The demolition of the scheme continues to progress well. Goody Demolition Ltd. are nearing the completion of the internal strip, including asbestos removal. Once this is complete, external structural demolition is anticipated to commence towards the end of July and is expected to be marked with a ceremonial photo with Cllr. Marland, Cllr. Middleton and members of the Agora Regeneration Working Group. The demolition is being recorded through time-lapse photography and is expected to be made viewable to the public in due course to commemorate the process. The demolition is expected to complete in late September, at which point the hoarding will remain in place until the redevelopment commences in early 2023.
Tender for main construction works
The design of the new development has been progressed through technical design appropriate for appointing a contractor to carry out the works. The contractor will be appointed through a competitive tender process managed by Milton Keynes City Council’s procurement team. It is expected that a contractor will be appointed towards the end of the year, with works starting on site in early 2023.
Public arts
A Public Arts Steering Group has been formed following a public meeting in April 2022. This group will steer community and arts activities through the regeneration process. Further information can be found on our engagement page here.